Product & Portfolio Strategy

Product - Jumpstart your innovation cycle

Product Strategy Development

There are new service ideas, but you are unsure how to proceed.

Product Strategy Optimisation

Your product service has gaps in its performance and you believe it could do better but are not sure how to improve it or do not have the resources to do it on your own.

Portfolio - Grow your business

From Product to a Portfolio

Expand your product towards a system building on your capabilities fixing gaps and taking advantage of well-identified opportunities.

From a Portfolio to an Ecosystem

Build a well-synced product portfolio into an ecosystem. Instead of stand-alone products provide a system of solutions to higher customer satisfaction and better business value.


Enable your organisation towards design maturity

Introduction to Design Processes

Familiarize your company, colleagues, or audience to design-driven product development processes. Introduce the approach via presentations, workshops, or via setting up a pilot project.

Introduce design-driven processes in-house

Team training to design-driven business and product development through live projects combining lectures and coaching.

What you get

Process planning

A full map of how will get from where you are now to where you want to be.
Workshops, Research Tracks, Product Design Tracks, Resources needed, timelines, and variables.

Research Capabilities

Setting up, leading, and executing research tracks for strategy definition/project.
Setting up continuous in-house research activities - both data and qualitative - define processes, and skillsets and build a team


Complete guidance to mapping the current state and defining future vision via workshop facilitation, stakeholder co-creation, and cross-functional team support.

Design Strategy Leadership

Guidance to leadership on product definition and to product teams to link operative decisions with strategy. Help build a smooth process in the long run.

Guidance + Project Leadership

Guide in linking business strategy to product strategy via a practical step-by-step process linking your current business to the next stage, syncing daily work to setting up new tracks.

Network to Design Talent

Strategy work will have touchpoint outcomes to be designed. Should you need further support with those tracks, my wide network of talented companies and professionals will be at your disposal. Their integration, briefing, and management are a possible part of our collaboration.

What the process needs from you

This process is co-creative: your presence in it is critical and we cannot be successful without it. It requires a recurring touchpoint where internal stakeholders meet and dedicate time to it.

Engagement and time together

No collaboration works without communication. The process is for your growth and an external expert will only be at your service if you can guide them on how to.
Your feedback is welcome and expected a collaboration to be mutually satisfying.

Constructive Feedback

The results may bring you an understanding you did not have in the beginning. They may reassure you of your assumptions. To reach maximum success participant is requested to allow the process to unfold without...

Stay Openminded

Product Design and Innovation need more than the design process.
Products exist as part of an ecosystem within a company therefore insights into internal priorities and dynamics are critical to the process’ success.




Project based guidance and ongoing support from briefing to delivery


2-3 months

Recommended for

  • Framing of an uncertain challenge, eg: What is the next direction for a certain business/product?

  • Kickstarting a well-framed challenge

    eg: Unsure why a business/product is performing in a certain way. Want to diagnose issues of a process and start resolving them

  • On business, product strategy, or the product level


Typically works as a well-defined series of workshops and executive work in between. I deliver planning, guiding, and facilitating the process. In case resources are missing, I will cover those gaps with my work or by introducing fellow professionals from my network.


  • Insights into the challenges and the reasons behind them based on data and qualitative research

  • Visualized and well-documented process

  • Clarified Priorities

  • Top ideas to prototype or already validated directions

  • Draft roadmap for strategy definition

In-House Consulting

Process building and training from the inside - integrated with the team, leading them to build talent, processes, and influence dynamics from the inside.


minimum 6 months

Recommended for

  • Building up a well-routed in-house process of strategy development

  • Kickstarting a well-framed challenge and guidance in building organizational development to match up to it

  • On business, product strategy, or product level


I integrate with the team in a strategy-defining role for a period of time. My work helps improve/build new processes in close collaboration with local colleagues, helps identify gaps in resources and so they run following my departure.


  • Insights into the challenges and the reasons behind, them based on data and qualitative research

  • Established processes for cyclical problem resolution

  • Visualized and well-documented process

  • Clarified Priorities

  • Top ideas to prototype or already validated directions

  • Strategy definition

  • Roadmap to next steps in development